Greens Seasoning

Hunter's Texas Seasoning

Hunter’s Texas Seasoning:

This quintessential blend combines zesty salt and pepper with the subtle smokiness of Whiskey Barrel, creating a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. With dazzling notes of aromatic garlic and a whisper of cane spice, our Texas Seasoning adds depth and complexity to every dish it touches.

Seasoning for Cooked Greens & Salads

While our Texas Seasoning is perfect for enhancing the flavors of brussels sprouts and cabbage, it’s perfect for salads, collard greens, string beans, tomato sandwich, and all veggies. Infused with the rich flavors of the Southwest, our seasoning transforms ordinary food into a culinary masterpiece, adding a balance that will have your guests coming back for more

Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Hunter's Texas Seasonings on Brussels Sprouts


- 1 pound (about 450g) Brussels sprouts, trimmed and thinly sliced

- 2 tablespoons olive oil

- 4 tablespoons of Hunter’s Texas Seasoning

- 4 tablespoons of Hunter’s Caribbean Mustard (Optional to replace olive oil)


  1. Heat olive oil or Hunter’s Caribbean Mustard in a large skillet over medium heat
  2. Add minced garlic to the skillet and sauté for about 1 minute, or until fragrant.
  3. Add the thinly sliced Brussels sprouts to the skillet, spreading them out into an even layer.
  4. Cook the Brussels sprouts, stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, or until they are tender and slightly browned on the edges.
  5. Season the Brussels sprouts with salt and pepper to taste, adjusting the seasoning as needed.
  6. Once the Brussels sprouts are cooked to your desired level of tenderness, remove the skillet from the heat.
  7. Transfer the sautéed Brussels sprouts to a serving dish and sprinkle with optional toppings such as grated Parmesan cheese, toasted nuts, or chopped fresh herbs.
  8. Serve hot as a delicious side dish or as a nutritious addition to salads or grain bowls. Enjoy your flavorful sautéed Brussels sprouts!

Texas Seasoning on Collard Greens

Hunter's Texas Seasoning on Collard Greens

8 Different Ways of Cooking Greens:

1.Boiling:Greens are submerged in boiling water until tender, then drained. This method is common for greens like collard greens and kale.

2.Steaming:Greens are placed in a steamer basket over boiling water and cooked until tender. Steaming retains more nutrients compared to boiling.

3.Sautéing: Greens are quickly cooked in a pan with oil or butter over medium-high heat until wilted and tender. Garlic, onions, or other aromatics can be added for flavor.

4.Stir-frying:Similar to sautéing, but with higher heat and constant stirring. Common in Asian cuisine, this method cooks greens quickly while maintaining their crispness.

5.Grilling: Larger, sturdier greens like romaine lettuce or kale can be brushed with oil and grilled until charred and slightly wilted, imparting a smoky flavor.

6.Braising:Greens are first sautéed to develop flavor, then simmered in a flavorful liquid (such as broth or coconut milk) until tender. This method is great for tougher greens.

7. Roasting: Greens like Brussels sprouts or kale can be tossed with oil and roasted in the oven until crispy. This method concentrates flavors and adds a caramelized touch.

8.Blanching: Greens are briefly cooked in boiling water, then immediately submerged in ice water to stop the cooking process. This helps retain their vibrant color and crisp texture.


Hunter's Texas Seasoning

Texas Seasoning (4.5 ounces)


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